Lawsuit Alleges That Gardasil Maker Emphasized Profit Over Safety

An attorney with Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman, Michael Lin Baum focuses on complex litigation cases involving major pharmaceutical companies, consumer fraud, personal injury, and wrongful death. Michael Lin Baum’s current areas of focus include cases centered on Gardasil, which the FDA approved in 2006 as a vaccine for human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Lawsuit allegations lay out a compelling argument that the Gardasil vaccine is not safe. Merck & Co. allegedly did not conduct proper tests and clinical trials; instead, it fast-tracked the approval process, which led to the vaccine being administered to millions of young people worldwide. Lawsuit claims hold that Merck had reason to know, or had knowledge of, the ineffectiveness and defective nature of the product. Rather than proactively inform the health care community and public at large, Merck made false statements regarding safety and efficacy, and concealed data.

One lawyer alleges that profit was a motive, as Merck made billions of dollars by reaching out to young girls’ parents with false claims that Gardasil could eliminate cervical cancer risks, even without forwarding verifiable proof. Thousands of severe injuries reportedly occurred after individuals took the Gardasil vaccine, leading to what has been described as “a calamitous health disaster.”