Are Boys and Men Also Injured by the Gardasil Vaccine?

The firm Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman, led by lawyer Michael Lin Baum, has won thousands of personal injury and wrongful death claims related to pharmaceuticals and harmful consumer products. With over 30 years of experience as an attorney, Michael Lin Baum now represents individuals harmed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine.

While Gardasil was originally designed for young women and girls, the drug’s developer, Merck & Co., has made an enormous profit by targeting young men and parents of boys too. Men across the country are now vaccinated with an HPV vaccine that is both allegedly linked to severe disorders and under scrutiny for lack of evidence proving it’s safe.

Baum Hedlund has filed a lawsuit against Merck & Co. on behalf of a man with lifestyle-altering and life-threatening injuries. The plaintiff started experiencing complications after receiving the HPV vaccine, including chronic fatigue, pain, memory and cognitive issues, and leg weakness and tremors. The plaintiff currently cannot walk for even a short distance without a cane. He tested positive for POTS, a severe autoimmune disorder that causes lower blood volume, headaches, and various life-changing health issues.